Walking Hunts

detective clipart lady 2Walking Whodunit Hunts are our single-location murder mystery trails where you explore a village or an area of a town or city in search of clues to solve a crime. All have a significant amount of history to uncover, show you some grand and impressive architecture, and many will reveal quite surprising facts linked to both places and the people that shaped them!

The places listed below (ordered by county) all have single-location walking murder mystery trails outstanding with our detectives for you to solve… or maybe we just think they’re outstanding trails! 🙂 Click on any location link for more detail.

There are more walking Whodunit Hunts in the pipeline too, including Galway City, Kilkenny, Sligo, and a very unique trail in Dublin!

The vast majority of clues on our Whodunit Hunts are accessible by those with prams and wheelchair users, as our detectives have determined routes for more thorough clue investigation with as few steps as possible. Check the applicable Whodunit Hunt description page(s) for full details, which give an indication of any access issues.

See the map below for all of our Whodunit murder mysteries. Walking Whodunits already available are indicated by a black walker/runner symbol. Pipeline walking Whodunits are coloured blue – if you are interested in one or more of these then please contact us and we will let you know when they are available.

Click here (or in the menu) to buy a Whodunit Hunt.

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(c) 2023 – the term ‘Whodunit Hunt’, associated logo, website content, and all Whodunit Hunt routes, ideas, photos, are all protected by copyright. Any copying, impersonation or distribution of anything embraced by our copyright is intellectual theft and therefore unlawful and illegal. Please respect the law as well as all of our hard work.